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A source for solutions

Here at JacobMDoesThings I provide solutions to problems by primarily utilizing Microsoft technologies like Blazor, Cosmos, .Net and Azure. My goal is to enable clients and other developers to reach their goals through system design solutions, education, documentation and other tasks when I am able.

Security-minded hosting on Azure

This site is hosted on Azure using various resources including appservices, keyvaults, Cosmos, and an AzureADB2C tenant. The purpose of the tenant is to allow the website client to communicate with api endpoints securely using identity tokens provided by the client's credentials. B2C is also being leveraged to bring the option to provide both secure and personalized services to users that sign up here. To further protect the services, the secrets are stored securely on Azure and accessed by way of managed identities to further protect the api and database.

Flexible and scalable

While developing this application, my intention is to enable it to easily add scalable features. To make it easily extendable I developed services and endpoints using techniques, libraries and frameworks that are simple to extend and are decoupled from the implementation when necessary.


I have added and will continue to add demonstrations of features as they are added to the site. Starting off, simply creating an account and loggin in will demonstrate the Azure B2C integration. I will continue to add features and demos when I have the time.

© 2024 JacobMDoesThings.com™. All Rights Reserved.
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